Beau von Berlin
Beau von Berlin is a bodaciously handsome 3-year-old long-haired German Shepherd-slash-canine super model. His modeling career is taking off quite nicely as you can see from his "personal portfolio" on his Westside page. But what you see on camera is what you get off camera too. He's not like the other long-hair "high maintenance" super models you hear about who send silly requests out to the volunteers asking for "bottled dog water" and "organic gluten free dog treats" to be waiting for them in their kennel after the shoot is over. Beau is a simple guy with simple dreams of becoming the star of your life! Beau is a definite sweetheart with people and loves nothing more than to lick your face and wag his tail as he trots easily next to you on a long walk. He knows some of his basic commands and is great about taking treats nicely from your hand. Beau will alert to other dogs when on leash if he lets his "modeling ego" get in the way but a simple leash correction reminds him that's just bad manners and he becomes a gentleman again. Beau does need someone with prior shepherd experience who will be consistent with him and give him structure. He will thrive in any home that gives him that stability. His temperament is wonderful and he's hoping to show you just how awesome he is if you come and meet him nose to nose. Beau is hoping the next modeling session of him licking someone to death is you! |
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